
Stuck in a mental health rut? 5 Ways ‘wellness’ travel can fix that

Did you know that South Africa is listed as the lowest-ranked country based on mental health in the world – according to a recent Mental State of the World report? And will the worries of crime, inflation, and cost of living, travel is probably the least of your priorities right now.

However, with these alarming statistics, it’s important that individuals find ways to reduce this stress.

According to travel guru Sadudee Sangnil, exploring new sights and scenes has been found to boost physical and psychological well-being and, directly contribute to a happier and more fulfilling life.

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The concept of wellness tourism is the idea that people travel to promote one’s mental health and well-being through physical, psychological, or spiritual activities.

Sangril – the Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand explains: “For many, travelling may sound at first like you’re running from your problems, but the truth can be quite the opposite.

“Wellness tourism has taught us that travel is not only about making memories and meeting new people but also about exploring new places and getting out of one’s comfort zone. An individual’s mental health can benefit greatly from this.”


Below are Sangnil’s five reminders on why travel is good for mental health.

Strengthen your mental health skills

On wellness retreats where practices like meditation and mental health mindfulness are emphasised, people can learn new skills that they can adapt and continue to use when they return home.

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Lowers stress levels

Often the body and mind need to rest which, which can be done when staying at a wellness retreat. Instead of usual tourist activities like sightseeing and exploring nightlife on your next travel adventure, consider taking afternoon naps, leisurely walks, and the freedom to do things in your own time and on your own schedule.

Escape your comfort zone

In foreign environments, tourists are likely to try new experiences and put themselves in unfamiliar situations.

This can lead to a self-confidence boost as you’re demonstrating that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Increased self-esteem can help you achieve success in many areas of your life, from securing a new business deal to meeting a personal goal.

A mental reset

Travelling fosters in-depth creativity by engaging with the local culture and increasing productivity. Even a short, local trip can enhance your creativity.

ALSO READ: Helping kids deal with big feelings this Mental Health Month

Self-care is self-love

Self-care is essential for developing resilience in the face of life’s unavoidable stressors. You’ll be better equipped to live your best life if you’ve taken steps to care for your mind and body.

Remember, if you’re not taking care of yourself, your physical and mental health will take the biggest toll.

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